You Not Buying the How to Avoid Animal Ingredients Kit
Because You Can't Afford $19.47?
Below for Instructions on Recieving the Kit in 4 easy payments
of $4.86...
will Instantly Receive Download Instructions For the Kit after
the First Payment--
That Means You can Test Drive The Entire Kit, including the Coupons,
for only $4.86. IF you are not satisfied, email
me personally to receive your full refund.
college students and others have contacted me mentioning that $19.47
is simply too much for them to afford right now. Others say that the
exchange rate from USD to their currency is not good.
you are short on cash right now, I want to make this How to Avoid
Animal Ingredients Kit available for you as well.
decided that for the next 60 minutes, I'm offering a payment plan
for the kit:
7 E-Books, 5 Videos, 1 Audio Seminar,
Access to 6 Databases of Vegetarian Restaurants and
and a Stack of Money Saving Coupons,
For 4 Easy Payments of $4.86 Each
will Instantly Receive Download Instructions For the Kit after the
First Payment
$4.86 per month for 4 months--the value of the coupons in this kit
will more than pay for the first couple payments)
on the Buy Now Button Below for this Payment Plan:
Purchase Is Backed by My
No Hassles 365-Day Money Back Guarantee.
If you
have read through the 7 ebooks and watched the instructional
videos and you feel that this product has failed you in any
way, you deserve to keep the product for free
for your time and trouble.
if you are dissatisfied in any way, simply email me (
or call 773.475.5396 within 365 days of purchasing the Kit,
and I will personally refund 100% of the price you paid for
the kit.
... and
you get to keep all the contents of the kit for your trouble,
even after I refund your money!
To Buy this
Kit All In One Payment, Click
The Price Increases
from $19.47 to $29.95 in 2 Days
Below is the copy of the letter you read on the previous page:
Read Below How the "Avoid Animal Ingredients Kit" Can Save
You hours of frustration finding vegan and vegetarian products,
restaurants, and menu items.
- Frustrated
about Trying to Find Vegan and Vegetarian
Options at Restaurants and Fast Food Chains?
- Having
Trouble Finding
Completely Animal and Cruelty-Free
- Wondering
If That Mysterious Chemical On the Food Label is an Animal Ingredient?
Can Laugh At These
Common Vegan and Vegetarian Worries --
If You Follow This Simple Plan
Multimedia Kit Will Save You Hours of Frustration and Difficulty
Finding Vegan and Vegetarian Products, Restaurants,
and Menu Items
Some of What this Kit Includes:
- How
to Identify Over 450 Hidden Animal Ingredients in
- How
to "De-Code" mysterious chemical names on product
- How
to Identify Vegetarian and Vegan Items at Fast food
Chains and Restaurants
- Where
to Obtain Specialty Vegan and Vegetarian Cooking Ingredients
- Form
Letters for requesting Vegan and Vegetarian Options at restaurants
and grocers
- Password
protected access to website that lets you search thousands
of vegan and vegetarian stores and restaurants that
may be near you without you knowing it.
In our recent
survey, over 57% of vegetarians and vegans reported
that their biggest frustrations with their diet are finding
suitable foods and products or eating at restaurants and fast
food venues.
If this is
you, please read the personal letter I've written below. This
may be the most important letter you read today regarding your
Vegetarian or Vegan journey. Discover how You Can Eliminate
95% of the Frustration and Difficulty mentioned above by Instantly
Downloading Our "How to Avoid Animal Ingredients Kit."
Read on or
Here to Buy Now
(if you order in the next 2 Days,, You Receive 7 Books,
Form Letters, and Downloadable Audio and Video at 30% off: details
If you can spare
8 minutes to read this letter I will show you something that
I personally guarantee will transform your shopping and eating experience
as a vegan or vegetarian.
When you download
our product, here is just some of what you'll discover:
- Eliminate
95% of your frustration regarding reading ingredient labels with
our Glossary of 612 Hidden Ingredients and 1008 Alcoholic Beverages.
It defines clearly whether they are vegetarian, vegan, or neither.
- Never struggle
to find vegan/vegetarian restaurants and products again! Sound
impossible? Discover our secret sources of thousands of Vegetarian
and Vegan products, restaurants, and grocery stores worldwide.
- Easily identify
which companies test on animals and which do not. See our list
of 511 companies that DO NOT test on animals and 44 that do.
a Restaurant Ever served you "Vegetarian Soup"
made with Chicken Broth?
You Ever Discovered That The Burrito You Just Ate
Had Beans Flavored with Lard?
You Ever Ordered a Bland Salad
(The only vegetarian menu option)
While Your Friends Feasted on 4 Course Meals at a Restaurant?
so, read on....
I've heard from
many vegetarians and vegans, and a large percentage describe frustration
with trying to find suitable products, menu items, and foods. It seems
that when you find a good resource, it only solves part of the problem.
If you buy a good book on ingredient labels, you are still frustrated
by meat-eating restaurant cooks using chicken broth in your "vegetable"
soup. If you find a great directory of vegetarian grocers, and you buy
most of your groceries at a vegetarian health food store, you will inevitably
need to run to the corner store to pick up something you were missing.
When looking at the product label, you have this nagging feeling that
the mysterious chemical on the label could be from a pig's intestines.
Or worse yet, after eating, you discover that the flavored
crackers you ate with your meal were flavored with lard.
This frustration
is precisely why I've created this multimedia information kit. It attempts
to solve all the problems together. I've listed the problems below and
how this kit solves them:
deciphering chemical names on product labels |
E-Book 1:
Hidden Animal Ingredients Revealed lists 612 hidden
ingredients found on many product labels It lists whether
they are vegan or vegetarian and offers alternatives.
finding vegetarian and vegan options at fast food chains |
E-Book 4:
Practical Tips on Avoiding Animal Ingredients contains
a section devoted to fast food chains and which of their
menu items are vegetarian or vegan. This book also shows how to
obtains an exclusive 50% discount on the most up to date
guide on fast food for vegetarians and vegans.
finding restaurants that cater to vegetarians and vegans. |
E-Book 3:
Secret Sources of Hundreds of Vegan, Vegetarian, and Cruelty-Free
Products offers access to our password protected website which
lets you search 6 databases of vegan and vegetarian restaurants
and more! (page 55)
finding vegan and vegetarian ingredients for cooking at home. |
E-Book 3:
Secret Sources of Hundreds of Vegan, Vegetarian, and Cruelty-Free
Products Lists 196 Vegan and Vegetarian Food Manufacturers.
(starting on page 4). E-Book 4 also gives products you can find
in your average grocery stores which are vegan and vegetarian.
finding cosmetics, personal care, and household products that aren't
corrupted by animal ingredients or animal testing.
E-Book 3:
Secret Sources of Hundreds of Vegan, Vegetarian, and Cruelty-Free
Products Lists 511 companies that don't test on
animals, and 44 that do.
identifying alcoholic beverages that are free from animal ingredients. |
E-Book 2:
1008 Alcoholic Beverages: Vegan, Vegetarian, or Neither lists
1008 alcoholic beverages and identifies those which are
free from animal ingredients.
near you do not offer vegetarian or vegan options. |
E-Book 5:
The Vegetarian Letter Writing Kit gives essential tips
for writing letters to these restaurants. Form letters are
included which you can modify in minutes and send to restaurants
to encourage them to offer vegetarian and vegan menu items.
stores near you do not offer vegetarian or vegan products. |
5: The Vegetarian Letter Writing Kit gives letter writing
tips (mentioned above) and also includes easily modifiable form
letters that you can send to grocery stores to encourage them to
place vegetarian and vegan products on their shelves. |
Given the facts
above, I believe the this multimedia information kit is the most
comprehensive resource to avoiding animal ingredients available
for sale on the Internet. But don't take my word for it. Here is what
a few vegetarians and vegans have said...
Thank you
very much for the information you provided. I look forward to
learning more about my new vegan lifestyle! The database looks
great! Easy to use.
Your site
is fantastic and its great to see people working for a meat and
cruelty free future.
Kind regards,
it doesn't stop there. For my past books I've received tons of positive
reviews, both online and in print publications. Many of these I have
Into My File Folder Stuffed With 58 Positive Reviews
From Magazine Editors, Doctors, Librarians, and Others
You may have your
doubts about this product. You may know of other authors who have claimed
to solve the above problems, and failed. I completely understand these
doubts, but read on to let me show you how this product can absolutely
solve the frustrations of vegetarians and vegans I listed above.
I have been creating
reference works like these for a number of years, and have always received
great reviews on the books that I and my staff have produced (You
can read past reviews yourself by searching for my name "Chad Kimball"
on and looking at the books with the red covers). In
fact, I have a file folder in my office that contains Xeroxed copies
of 58 positive reviews of my previous books from magazine editors,
librarians, and other reviewers. Obviously I don't have the space in
this letter to reprint them all, but here are some excerpts from reviews
of previous products:
I would like
to take this opportunity to compliment you... on your excellent
new publication. We are not aware of any other compilation of
consumer information which is this extensive and complete. Please
convey our compliments to all of your staff who played a part
in the development of the book.
Again, our
congratulations on an excellent product.
J.P. Smith
The Vegetarian
Sourcebook organizes... the answers to the most common questions
concerning vegetarian diets and lifestyles. This title is recommended
for public and secondary school libraries.
Amy Paster
Associate Librarian,
Pennsylvania State University Life Sciences Library
Chad Kimball's
Vegetarian Sourcebook is a basic consumer guide to different vegetarian
diets and their affects on health. Chapters offer tips on adopting
vegetarianism while meeting nutritional needs, and include plenty
of basic information on vegetarian diets as they affect pregnant
women, children, and seniors.
... invaluable
references for public and school library collections alike.
Bookwatch, April 2003
This book
is fascinating...
The strengths
of this book are many. It is clearly written, presented, and structured.
The book is easily readable, and there is a glossary at the end
of the book which helps to explain technical terms. It covers
a broad range of topics... the information that is contained is
generally appropriate, accurate, informative, and up-to-date.
Alexander K.C. Leung, FRCP (UK), FRCPCH
The University of Calgary
Alberta Children's Hospital
... another
invaluable tool.
... a superb
resource for parents.
This book
is a value whatever its price.
picks both for specialty health library collections and any general
consumer health reference collection
... exceptional.
The Bookwatch,
April 2001
This comprehensive
"source-book" pulls all that material together, and
more. This amazing compilation is a must have... unlike so many
other books, this effort offers solutions that are eminently sensible
and successful.
Clifford E. Simonsen,
Security Management
Eliminate Hours of Fruitless Searching On the Internet
You may ask,
"Can't I get this kind of information on the Internet for free?"
vegetarians and vegans have told us, no matter how much they search
the Internet for the kind of information we're providing, they can't
seem to find what they're looking for. They spend hours and hours on
the Internet with fruitless searches, frustration, or very little information
to result from their labor.
are some direct quotes from a recent survey we completed of vegetarians
and vegans. When asked "What information is most difficult
for you to find about vegetarianism?" They said:
I find definitions to words that are actually animal ingredients in
foods I eat ignorantly,
and it's too late."
to obtain exotic ingredients for international vegetarian cuisines."
on alcohol and cigarettes. Which one's are compassionate and do not
test on or contain animal products."
actually in entrees in restaurants?"
vegetarians and vegans have searched the Internet, and come up empty.
The "How to Avoid Animal Ingredients Kit" answers all these
questions and more.
Like This Used to Only Be Available
In the Reference Section of the Library
Made an Exclusive, 70 Dollar Library Reference Book
Available at Over 50% Discount
the past, if vegetarians couldn't find the information they needed,
they went to the library to read our books which were which were extremely
expensive (around $70 to $80), and available only in the reference
section, not for checking out. That is why we created this kit. We've
created a resource that normally only a library would have, and made
it available so you can own a copy yourself.
only is it $70-$80 resource, available for you at less than half the
price, but you don't have to sit in the reference section to read it.
spent months researching, sorting through the false and outdated information,
bringing you the best information we could find. In fact, we've thrown
out pages and pages of research because it did not meet our requirements.
My experience as a reference book editor and researcher drove me to
throw out a lot of information that many would consider accurate, but
my critical evaluation revealed damaging flaws and inaccuracies that
I would not stand for in this kit. It would take you many hours to find
the information we've brought to the table, and some of our sources
you may not find at all!
this is library-quality material, as our books have always been.
is what one reviewer said of one of my past books:
It is hard
to imagine that any other single resource exists that would provide
such a comprehensive guide of timely information... This volume
is highly recommended...
Ann Thompson,
American Reference Books
To Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians and Non-Strict Vegetarians
may say, "I'm a non-strict vegetarian or a lacto-ovo vegetarian
(vegetarian who eats dairy and eggs). This kit seems to be designed
for vegans, not me."
great thing about this kit is that it is designed to benefit the entire
vegetarian community. Here are just a few of the tools that are
of particular benefit to lacto-ovo vegetarians or non-strict vegetarians:
- E-book #3 "Secret
Sources of Hundreds of Vegan, Vegetarian, and Cruelty-Free Products"
provides you with password access to the world's most comprehensive
databases of vegetarian restaurants, grocers, and veggie food
manufacturers, and health food stores.
- One of the downloadable
videos is entirely devoted to essential nutritional information
about both vegan and vegetarian diets.
- The kit provides
exclusive coupons on vegetarian products and companies
like Vegetarian Resource Group,, and
more. (The savings you receive from the coupons alone could be worth
more than the price of this kit.)
- Find vegetarian
alcoholic beverages quickly and easily! Going out with friends
to a bar? Bringing wine to a family gathering? How will you know which
alcoholic beverages are vegetarian? Our dictionary of 1008 alcoholic
beverages indicates whether a beverage is vegetarian, vegan, or
- E-book #3 "Secret
Sources of Hundreds of Vegan, Vegetarian, and Cruelty-Free Products"
Includes a list of 196 Vegetarian Food Manufacturers that provide
everything from vegetarian cookies to meat substitutes to soy products
and more!
- E-Book #5, The
letter writing kit enables you to quickly and efficiently contact
your local grocery stores and restaurants to encourage them to carry
more vegetarian options.
- E-Book #6: "How
to Avoid False Advertising Claims Targeting Vegetarians and Vegans"
goes in depth to reveal advertising ploys that are designed to deceive
not only vegans, but vegetarians and non-strict vegetarians as well.
- E-Book #7: "The
Vegetarian Nutrition Resource Book" lists over 30 recommended
books on various aspects of vegetarian nutrition, exact website addresses
for over 65 articles regarding vegetarian nutrition, over 100 recommended
resources, pamphlets, websites, and books for vegetarian infants,
pregnant women, vegetarian adolescents, elderly vegetarians, and athletes,
resources on preventing diseases with vegetarian and vegan diets,
and information on soyfoods and Vegetarian Recipes. In fact, the value
of this book alone may be worth the price of the entire kit, and it
focuses broadly on vegetarian diets of all kinds.
may also say, "All of this sounds great, but there are so many
other books, videos, and resources for vegetarians and vegans out there..."
Is This Kit Different from
The Hundreds of Other Vegetarian Resources Out There?
looked into many of those other options, and frankly, they don't
compare to ours. I don't say this to sound arrogant, but simply
to state the facts: Many of the books are not up to date, or it is impossible
to determine when the information was compiled. Also, all of them
focus on only one part of the picture, either ONLY reading labels, or
ONLY finding vegetarian restaurants, or ONLY animal rights activism.
Our kit is designed to provide all the resources you would need to succeed
in your vegan or vegetarian diet. It not only provides resources for
reading labels, but also gives nutritional information, resources for
finding vegetarian/vegan products both off-line and online, form letters
to send to grocery stores and restaurants, downloadable video and audio,
and more! As a package, it is the most comprehensive resource
for avoiding animal ingredients that we've found in our research.
say that you can never eliminate 100% of animal products from your diet,
so why spend the money on pursuing this goal? I firmly believe that
every vegan and vegetarian needs a system that allows them to avoid
animal products in many different situations.
"How to Avoid Animal Ingredients Kit" will empower you to
succeed in hundreds of different challenging situations.
- You may be in
a typical grocery store that carries no vegan products, trying to
find one suitable for you.
- Perhaps your
meat eating relatives have invited you over for dinner and you have
to bring a dish to pass--they are extremely critical of your diet
and you want to prove to them that vegetarian food can be tastier
than theirs.
- Maybe you are
bringing a dish to your girlfriend or boyfriend's parents house for
- Maybe you and
your friends are going out for dinner, but what will you order? Will
they have vegetarian or vegan items on the menu?
discover how the "How to Avoid Animal Ingredients Kit" will
help you in all of these situations, read on....
Is Included in the "How to Avoid Animal Ingredients Kit?"
- 6
E-Books, plus one bonus Resource E-Book.
- 5
Downloadable Videos on avoiding animal ingredients,
and nutritional information about various types of vegetarian
- 1
Audio Seminar by Howard Lyman, Cattle Rancher
turned Vegan.
- Form
Letters to send to your local restaurants, grocery
stores, and fast food chains.
- Access
to our exclusive password protected website that links
you to 6 databases of vegan and vegetarian grocers, restaurants,
fast food chains, health food stores, and more! Search thousands
of vegetarian establishments.
- Coupon
Codes to save you $$ at vegetarian and vegan
online stores like the Vegetarian Resource Group,,, and more!
All of
this is instantly downloadable after you complete your
payment! No waiting for shipments, waiting in long lines, or
even leaving your home!
Read on or
Here to Buy Now
(if you order in the next 2 Days,, You Receive 7 Books,
Form Letters, and Downloadable Audio and Video for only $19:
details here)
a Look at Each of the 7 E-Books in Detail:
Hidden Animal Ingredients Revealed:
Glossary of 612 Hidden Ingredients
definitions of confusing terms, whether the ingredient
is vegan, vegetarian, not vegan, or unknown.
detailed information about the origin of the ingredient:
egg, dairy, animal, insect, mineral/manufactured, or plant
have kept nothing secret... including our sources of the information.
Other dictionaries like these will not reveal where they obtained
the information, but we make it possible for you to consult
the original sources of our research at any time to find
even more detailed information about the ingredients.

of page 7
of the "Hidden Animal Ingredients Revealed" E-Book
of page 43 and 44
Detailed Diagrams Explaining of Cosmetic Labels
1008 Alcoholic Beverages:
Vegan, Vegetarian, or Neither?
alcoholic beverages are not required to list all their ingredients
on the label. How can you separate vegan and vegetarian
alcoholic beverages from those using animal products? Answer
on page 3.
information about how animal ingredients are used
in the production of alcoholic beverages: beer, cider, wine,
spirits, and fortified wines. (Starting on page 3)
of 486 vegan alcoholic beverages. (Starting on page
of 363 Vegetarian Alcoholic Beverages (starting on
page 19)
of 151 Non-Vegetarian/Non-Vegan Alcoholic Beverages.
Stay away from these! (starting on page 29)
lists above include information about Country/State of origin,
Brand/Producer/Distributor, and detailed Notes about
production and beverage type.
about how to contact alcoholic beverage producers to find
out more about their ingredients.
information about how to obtain the most current information
about animal ingredients in specific alcoholic beverages
in question.
Secret Sources of Hundreds of Vegan, Vegetarian, and Cruelty-Free
of 511 companies that don't test on animals,
including cosmetics, animal food, personal care, and household
cleaning product companies. (Starting on page 32)
of these lists include addresses, phone numbers,
and other contact information. Many of these companies can
be reached online to make it easy for you to purchase their
products at a click of a button.
access to our password protected website which gives access
to 6 databases of vegan and vegetarian grocers,
restaurants, fast food establishments, health food stores,
and more! (page 55)

is an image of page 55, providing access
to the password protected online vegetarian/vegan databases website.
(Actual screenshot of a page of one of the 6 databases shown below)

of our password protected website
Searches thousands of vegan and vegetarian grocers, restaurants,
fast food establishments, health food stores, and organizations
Practical Tips on
Avoiding Animal Ingredients
of vegetarian and vegan items at the following
fast food chains: Burger King, Harveys, Licks, McDonalds,
Wendys, Mr. Sub, Subway, Pizza Pizza, Pizza Hut, Taco Bell,
New York Fries, and Tim Hortons. (Starting on page 26)
54 Food Categories such as dairy, soups, meats, desserts etc...,
and provides vegan brand alternatives for each. (Starting
on page 3)
gelatin is unacceptable for both vegetarians and vegans. (Hint,
it contains animal bones, tendons, and other tissues). (page
The Vegetarian Letter Writing Kit
Vegetarian/Vegan Form letters for Restaurants, Grocery
Stores and Grocery Store Chains, and Fast Food Establishments,
encouraging them to carry more vegan and vegetarian items.
tips for writing letters regarding vegetarianism
and veganism.
information for 48 fast food chains, grocery
store chains, restaurants, and more.
can simply enter your name and address to the form letters,
print, and mail!
form letter includes a list of 196 Vegetarian and Vegan
Food Manufacturers (27 pages!) for them to keep. When
they receive your letter, it will be sure to capture their
attention because of this extensive list. It is sure to
not be thrown in the garbage or lost on their desk.
listed establishment includes contact information
for you to use to send the form letters. Many
also include a direct link to contacting the
business via email.

of one of the form letters included in the kit.

page of 27 page resource list included with each form letter
How to Avoid False Advertising Claims Targeting Vegetarians
and Vegans
NOTE: Although this information does not pertain specifically
to avoiding animal ingredients, I found it so essential
and relevant to vegetarians and vegans that it would
be a crime and a disservice to not include it in the "How
to Avoid Animal Ingredients Kit."
In fact,
anyone who is interested in 1) Protecting the environment
or 2) Nutrition and Health Food or 3) Organic food is susceptible
to these deceptive marketing techniques. Read on
to discover what is in this valuable E-Book.
- Discover
food health claims that have been proven, and how to distinguish
them from unproven, exaggerated claims on food labels (Page
foods labeled"organic" are really
organic and what does "organic" officially mean?
Answer on page 28.
to spot true organic foods, including photos and images
of sample packaging (see sample pages below). (page 29)
the terms "natural" and "organic" interchangeable?
Surprising answer on page 30.
to file a complaint if you see false advertising on organic
foods. (Page 31)

of page 14, analyzing recycling symbols on sample product packaging.

of page 29, analyzing organic food claims on various packages.
E-Book #7:
Vegetarian Nutrition Resource E-Book
a Recent Survey, 50% of vegetarians and vegans rated NUTRITIONAL
questions as their most important questions regarding vegetarianism.
you frustrated with not being able to find good information
on vegetarian and vegan nutrition? Do have nagging questions
such as "Am I getting enough protein?" or "Am
I getting the right vitamins?" Are you looking for
a good resource for Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition? Read on
to discover what is included in the "Vegetarian Nutrition
Resource E-Book"
website addresses for over 65 articles regarding
veggie nutrition.
100 recommended resources, pamphlets, websites,
and books for vegetarian infants, pregnant women, vegetarian
adolescents, elderly vegetarians, and athletes.
in this E-Book have been compiled by a Medical Doctor and Dietitian,
and have been reviewed by a Registered Dietitian and a Registered
Nurse, and approved by Food and Nutrition Information Center
at the USDA.
If you are still reading, I know we've covered a lot of ground so far.
However, I have more news about the free bonuses I'm offering. I urge
Do not skip
over this part of the letter...
Buy the "How to Avoid Animal Ingredients Kit" Now
and Get 5 Free Bonus Videos and One Audio-Lecture
I'm about to tell you should bring some urgency to your purchase.
Dr. Michael Gregor, M.D. Howard Lyman, and PETA (People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals) have given us non-exclusive rights to distribute
the following videos as FREE BONUSES along with the "How to Avoid
Animal Ingredients Kit."
delay to purchase the kit, because Dr. Gregor, Howard Lyman, and
PETA have graciously allowed us to offer their valuable material,
but I have no idea how long they will allow us to distribute these
materials over the Internet. This is no fault of theirs... some
of the information is quite controversial and cutting edge. PETA's
videos frequently are banned because of their controversial nature.
It is quite possible that we may need to take these materials off of
our website in the future. Don't take a chance at losing out..or
to Buy Now.
Bonus #1:
Lyman Lectures on Veganism, Chemicals in the Beef Industry, Mad-Cow
Disease and How He was Sued by an Association of Texas Cattlemen.
Mp3 Audio File: 121 minutes.
In this
groundbreaking lecture, Lyman uncovers the dangerous and potentially
deadly practices of the cattle and dairy industry.
Howard Lyman,
the "Mad Cowboy" has an amazing story. If you haven't
heard of him, you should check out
He is a fourth-generation
cattle rancher turned Vegan Activist. He was a family
farmer in Montana for almost 40 years. He has worked in a large
organic dairy, raised registered beef cattle, owned a large factory
feedlot, farmed thousands of acres of grain, reproduced a herd
of over one thousand commercial beef cows, raised chickens, pigs,
and turkeys, and grown crops such as wheat, barley, oats, corn,
alfalfa, and grass.
From all
the chemicals he was working with, he ended up with a near
crippling spinal tumor, and emerged a Vegan. In
case you haven't guessed, this guy totally knows what he's talking
about when discussing Veganism, agriculture, and the meat industry.
miss out on this one. I know Howard has developed his own
DVD product of a similar nature, so this may not be available
as a FREE bonus for long. He is kindly allowing us to continue
distributing this for the time being.
The value
of this lecture alone may be worth the price of this entire kit.
Video Bonus #2:
Is it true
that the death rate from cancer and heart disease equal between
vegetarians and meat eaters? Are vegetarians and vegans as
healthy as they should be?
Dr. Michael
Greger, MD Lectures on Surprising New Research on Omega 3s and
Downloadable Video File: 60 minutes
( Mp3 Audio File available if you have a slow Internet connection)
Greger, MD is a physician, a prize-winning cook, and an internationally
recognized speaker on a number of important public health and
social justice issues. Dr. Greger has been invited to lecture
at countless universities, medical schools and conferences around
the world, including the Conference on World Affairs and the World
Vegetarian Congress. This semester he is also teaching part of
Dr. T. Colin Campbell's Vegetarian Nutrition course at Cornell
(taken from Dr. Greger's official bio)
FREE Video
Bonus #3:
Dr. Michael Greger Lectures on Mad Cow Disease: Plague of the
21st Century?
Video File: 43 minutes
(Mp3 Audio File available if you have a slow Internet connection)
In this video,
Dr. Michael Greger discusses implications of Mad Cow Disease in
the United States.
- Is the
American beef industry continuing to risk public safety
while the USDA remains complacent?
- Does the
USDA protect business interests over those of the average citizen?
- What can
we do to protect our families from contracting
the human form of Mad Cow Disease, variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob
Find out
the answers to these questions by downloading FREE BONUS #3
Bonus #4:
Butler, Ex-Employee of the Month at a Slaughterhouse (now a Vegetarian),
Reveals Shocking Facts about How Chickens are Slaughtered.
Downloadable Video: 3 minutes, 31 seconds.
Bonus #5:
THIS: Video Produced by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
(PETA) present some very convincing reasons for becoming a vegetarian,
mostly from an animal rights perspective.
Downloadable Video: 3 minutes, 41 seconds.
want to repeat myself regarding these free bonuses. I have
no idea how long they will allow me to distribute these
materials over the Internet. The authors have given me full
permission to distribute their material, but they do have the
right to ask me to remove their video/audio files at any time.
If they do, I will gladly comply because I know the controversial
positions they are in.
I and my
staff have created the rest of the kit from scratch, so I own
all the other copyrights... but these video and audio files are
here at the authors' discretion and kindness... don't miss
out on these free bonuses by delaying to buy the kit.
to Buy this Kit Now
while these Free Bonuses are Still Available.
Enough Already!
How Much Does this Kit Cost?
Normally all the
information in this package would not be offered together, but as separate
books. However, in my research I've discovered that no single book can
completely solve all the challenges to living a totally animal-product-free
lifestyle. Some books focus animal ingredients in foods. Some focus
on animal cruelty issues. Some help you find restaurants or grocers
offering veggie products. However, in order to successfully navigate
a meat-eating world, all of the above components are needed.
is why we've packaged everything together.
So what Price tag
would you put on a package of 7 valuable e-books,
5 videos, 1 audio seminar, access to 6
databases of vegetarian restaurants and stores, and a stack
of money saving coupons from 5 popular vegetarian/vegan product
If you price each
e-book at $12 each (which is inexpensive for a book these days) and
multiply that by 7 (the number of e-books you receive), that would be
a total $84 value for just the books. Add in 5 videos at $20/video and
$13 for the audio talk, and over $10 in money saving coupons, and the
total value of this Kit is over $200.
Not to mention
that to attend a seminars by Michael Greger and Howard Lyman (two of
the authors of the free bonus material) could cost you hundreds
of dollars in seminar fees, airfare, and hotel stays.
Just to reiterate
the above paragraph, here is the math:
e-books X $12 per book =
videos X $20 per video =
their value, we agreed with the authors to offer them for free) |
audio seminar =
saving coupons =
are probably worth way more than this, but lets be conservative
in our estimates) |
The normal cost
of obtaining this kind of information would be over $200. I can confirm
that figure because I've created reference works like these for libraries
for a number of years and they were always sold to libraries for $68
to $78 per book (much more than the $12 per book I estimated above).
You can go ahead and search for my name "Chad Kimball" on and you'll see the cost of my books (my books are all the
ones with the red covers). Despite the high value of this package, my
mission is to offer a drastic discount on the same quality of information
to that I've provided to libraries at high cost.
than Sell This Kit for Its $207 Value,
I've Decided to Make this Kit Available to You
at the Drastically Discounted Price of $29.95 $19.47
it gets better...
since this kit is so new to the Internet,
I'm offering special "new release" pricing (see
box below)
by February 4 to Receive Special Pricing of $19.47
am offering a very limited 35% DISCOUNT (only for the next
2 days as a test) since this Kit is still very NEW to the Internet.
If you order the Kit in the next 2 days, you can get your copy
for only $19.47. This price, however, is only good if you
order in the next 2 days. If you place your order after February
4, 2005, you can expect to pay the normal price of $29.95.
(I'm asking nicely!) do not email me and get upset if you try
and order after this time and I am no longer accepting orders
at this special 35% DISCOUNT.
Like I said before,
the entire "How to Avoid Animal Ingredients Kit" is totally
downloadable, so there are NO shipping costs, NO travel costs, and the
entire Kit, plus the free bonuses, can be experienced in the
comfort of your own home.
Nowhere on the
Internet will you find such a large amount of content on this topic,
all available for download, at this price.
NOTE: This Kit is an Instantly Downloadable product.
No Waiting in Lines, No Shipping Charges
you submit your payment you will be automatically sent to the download
page for the Kit.
you've never downloaded anything before, we will lead you through the
simple process step by step.
Here in the next 2 Days To:
Order Your Copy Of The Kit For Only $29.95 $19.47
2) Receive the 5 Free Video and Audio Bonuses
-6 valuable e-books (plus
One bonus E-Book),
-5 videos,
-1 audio seminar,
-Access to 6 databases of vegetarian restaurants and stores,
-Stack of money saving coupons from 5 popular vegetarian/vegan
product companies
Payment will go to
NOTE: This Kit is an Instantly Downloadable product.
No Waiting in Lines, No Shipping Charges
you submit your payment you will be automatically sent to the download
page for the Kit.
If you've never downloaded anything before,
we will lead you through the simple process step by step.

Chad Kimball, Senior Editor
"How To Avoid Animal Ingredients Kit"
P.S. When you click the link to buy, you will be taken to a safe,
secure page to enter your credit card information. We have partnered
with Paypal, a credit card processor. Your credit card number will be
transmitted through our safe, secure server.
In fact, it is
safer to transmit your credit card number through our
secure encrypted server than it is to give your credit
card at the grocery checkout line!
P.P.S. Please don't
hesitate to email me at
or call 773.336-7388 with any questions you may have!